There is this nice feeling you get whenever you see antique windows anywhere. You try to imagine how the original owners used it then…looking out the window with their low and sloping shoulder dresses for the ladies, while the men had on their tightly-cinched waist trousers and all.

I guess you’ll wonder.. there’s no harm in keeping it in your building; why don’t you do that? I mean, who still has antique windows these days?

Although there is an added quality it gives to your building; you also have to consider other factors to check if it is beneficial for you.

No worries, that’s why we’re here. We will show you the benefits of replacing your beautiful antique windows with better suitable ones.

  1. Efficient Energy Savings

You may wonder how windows can be related to the effective use of energy, but some research has shown that heat loss and gain from windows are accountable for 25-30% of domestic cooling and heating energy.

Replacing your antique windows will make your house energy efficient, which is good for the environment and still pocket-wise.

New windows help protect your home from the element and keep your home environs safe. New windows keep the cold air out during the winter and the hot air out in the summer, helping you save approximately 30% of bills that may have gone into heating and cooling.

  1. Curb Appeal Heightened

With various wood, aluminum, and fiberglass materials and colors, you can enhance the overall feel of your home- inside and out.

Although antique windows still have their original appeal, not every house can pull it off. New windows enhance the beauty of your home, giving an excellent refreshing color to your home’s design.

  1. Increased Security And Safety

Sad to say, but during the use of these antique windows, the crime level worldwide wasn’t as bad as it is now. You could see houses without gates, bars, or anything for added protection.

New windows like those made with tempered or laminated glass also provide a level of safety as if broken; they are less likely to scatter into ripping fragments that can cause harm.

Recent windows also come with security factors like sensors and locks that help make them strong enough to withstand some attacks, thereby increasing the safety and security of you and your home.

Besides being harder to get into, these new windows have good accessibility and give you an excellent escape path from fires and any other emergency.

  1. Noise Reduction And Easy Maintenance

New windows are so easy to maintain that they can be considered stress free. Compared to antique windows, some come with installed blinds and shades, meaning no more dust for you.

The same features that protect against heat loss and gain also help keep your house sound-free.

Outside sounds, especially those living in a populated area, can be lessened with new windows.


Replacing windows is a job that is better done by professionals who have the requirements to ensure that it’s done well. If you plan on changing your antique windows, it would be best to choose well, as many options are in stock.